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The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT) has launched the Right of Way (RoW) One-Window Operation, designed to streamline and accelerate the process of obtaining No Objection Certificates (NOCs) for telecom operators.

Previously, one of the main challenges to improving fiber penetration in Pakistan was the complex procedure for securing RoW NOCs, which involved telecom operators seeking approvals from numerous government agencies, each with distinct processes. This fragmented system has slowed down the progress of Pakistan’s National Fiberization Vision—a strategic initiative to expand fiber connectivity nationwide.

An MoITT official explained that the new RoW One-Window Operation will significantly reduce paperwork by allowing telecom operators to submit RoW applications electronically. This move aims to eliminate unnecessary delays in the approval process.

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Additionally, the new system enables online fee payments, increasing both transparency and efficiency. A dedicated online platform for complaint and dispute management will help resolve issues faster, and the implementation of Fiberization Mapping will allow for tracking fiberization progress across the country.

By integrating all steps into a single platform, the system is expected to enhance transparency, reduce costs, and save time. Telecom operators can track their application status in real-time, which will help avoid delays and ensure smoother project management. The streamlined approach is projected to reduce operational costs for telecom companies and accelerate the deployment of fiber optic networks. This in turn will speed up the implementation of the National Fiberization Vision, which aims to enhance connectivity throughout Pakistan.

The initiative, available through an online portal and mobile app, features several key improvements that are expected to benefit the telecom industry. Moreover, the federal government has set a target to achieve US$ 25 billion in exports over the next five years, further driving economic growth.