Meta has announced that it will be rolling out a new option to integrate WhatsApp with Accounts Center in the coming months. According to a press release from the company, the goal is to ensure that users maintain control of their WhatsApp accounts, as it will remain separate from other apps. However, adding WhatsApp to Accounts Center is optional and off by default.
For those who choose to use this feature, it will enable smoother interactions between apps. Users will be able to easily reshare updates from their WhatsApp Status to Facebook or Instagram Stories, allowing them to share moments with friends without posting separately across different platforms.
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Additionally, integrating WhatsApp with Accounts Center will streamline the login process, enabling users to access their account with a single sign-on, making it quicker and easier to get back into their accounts.
Meta also plans to roll out additional features over time, such as managing avatars, Meta AI stickers, and Imagine Me creations all in one place for users who prefer a more unified experience across its apps.