Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the ‘Dhee Rani Program’ on Saturday, marking the occasion with a grand mass wedding ceremony for 51 couples, including five Christian pairs. This pioneering initiative aims to support families with limited financial resources and is the first of its kind in the province of Punjab.
During her address at the event, Maryam Nawaz congratulated the newlyweds and their families, offering her heartfelt prayers for their future happiness. She described the event as emotional and joyful, noting her pride in being part of such a significant milestone for the couples.
“This moment holds immense emotion for both the children and their parents. Just as their parents celebrate today, I too feel the joy of a mother,” she said in her speech.
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The Chief Minister personally greeted each couple, handed out congratulatory cards, and prayed for their successful married lives. She expressed her wishes by saying, “May Allah bless this new chapter in your lives and replace any past hardships with eternal happiness.”
As part of the program, each couple received essential household items, including mattresses, dinnerware, cooking sets, and other daily necessities. Additionally, a special ‘Dhee Rani Greeting Card’ was given to each couple, along with a monetary contribution of Rs100,000.
Maryam Nawaz also took time to inspect the gifts provided to the couples and joined them for a group photo. The Social Welfare Department organized a complimentary lunch for all attendees.
The ‘Dhee Rani Program’ is designed to alleviate the financial burden of marriage for underprivileged families, while promoting community spirit and social inclusion. Maryam Nawaz emphasized the importance of such initiatives in fostering a compassionate and supportive society.
The program’s launch, highlighted by the wedding of 51 couples at a prominent marriage venue in Lahore, marks a significant step toward social welfare in Punjab.