Artificial Intelligence (AI) is  the driving force of the new automated future and the Pakistanis are banking on this outcome and Ministry of IT (MoIT) dips its toes in the development of Artificial Intelligence .

The Express Tribune reports that the Ministry of Information Technology is developing a group of intelligent cooperative firefighting and disaster mitigation mobile robos to let the authorities get assisted in dealing with adverse circumstances in the Pakistan.

These robots will also be effective eniugh to going to places that are not favorable for humans like working in a hazardous environment and so on.

The Intelligent Mobile Robots  abbreviated as  IMR) will be carrying out their assigned mission by assimilating various intelligents techniques and control algorithims.

The project is being called Design and Development of Intelligent Mobile Robots for Disaster Mitigation and Firefighting has earlier been launched by the National technology Fund, a deptt of the Ministry of Information Technology.

The cost of this project is Rs.14.673 million and it will be carried out by PAF Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, the institute will act as the principal administrator.

No doubt,  it’s a great initiative by the government of Pakistan and at the same time more development and AI research projects requires to be initiated by the Ministry. The project is to be completed by April 2018, expectedly.


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