Facebook made its way out to defends WhatsApp, its popular social messaging platform as the blame game has shifted towards Apple for an iPhone getting hacked. The reason as to why a hacked iPhone has made the news is because of the owner of that particular device – who happens to be the founder and CEO of Amazon – Jeff Bezos.

The Vice President of Global Affairs and Communications down at Facebook – Nick Clegg went on to explain that WhatsApp is not actually the reason behind the breach in the iPhone – with the fault lying with Apple. Reports with regards to the attack have gone on to reveal that the CEO’s iPhone X received a 4.4MB video which contained malware. With this in place, the hackers had in their possession a few gigs of data and personal information stolen from one of the world’s richest person’s smartphone.

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Many have actually taken the opportunity to blame WhatsApp as the cause of the fault as it is constantly being sprung to mind that the video was shared on the messaging app. However, taking into consideration the fact that Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram – it isn’t too difficult to see exactly why Facebook jumped the ship and defended its platform citing its software is unhackable – as the service goes on to use end-to-end encryption.

Moreover, the senior executive has also claimed that the malware was in fact intended for Apple’s iOS and that it affected the iPhone directly – managing to access private data stored behind the system’s own encryption. Ironically enough, while the Facebook official has claimed that end to end encryption is unhackable, WhatsApp not so long ago sued an NSO Group from Israel for building malware that was used to hack into high profiler users, journalists as well as government officials.


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