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HomeBusinessSimple Tips to Stay Cool On Hot Days

Simple Tips to Stay Cool On Hot Days

The summer has been extremely hot days. Cities throughout in the Southwest and Central United States have experienced record-breaking temperatures. More than 105 million people are currently under a temperature warning or advisory for excessive heat. It is expected to continue to be dangerous this summer as per the National Weather Service.

Indeed, increasing temperatures have increased increasing in frequency and duration around the world for a while and appears as if it should continue. It is reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) stated in a report toTrusted sources in its report that people subjected to heatwaves grew by approximately 130 million between 2000 and 2016.

To prepare yourself for extreme heat that could be in your future, take note of these tips to remain secure and comfortable.

1. Learn how heat affects your body

Weather conditions and body heat that results from metabolic processes also influence how your body heats up. When your body gets hot, the body’s temperature will increase, causing a rise in heart rate along with blood flowing to your skin, as blood vessels dilate and sweat production increases.

“Heat typically dehydrates you, and increases your body’s temperature. If you’re outside during the summer heat slowly as time passes, your body loses moisture and get warmer and accelerates the dehydrationprocess,” Dr. Jen Brull, family physician and board member of the American Academy of Family Physicians said to Healthline.

When the body isn’t able in regulating its temperature because of extreme heat, this could cause health issues such as heat cramps, heatstroke, heat exhaustion and hyperthermia, according to WHO.

2. Set out your plans

Brull advised that making plans ahead can aid in avoiding heat-related illnesses. Before going out into the heat she advised to think about and look into the following aspects:

  • What is the temperature expected to be?
  • How long am I going to be exposed to the sun?
  • Is there some shade of the sun?

“[Lookat] weather-related apps or websites to determine how cold it will get, and is there going to be rain or cloud coverage , and the heat index,” Brull said.

3. Find shade and shelter

If you’re planning to be out for a while be sure to find an area that is shaded like trees or a shaded picnic space. The best part is, if there’s a structure with air conditioning, you can plan dates to get inside for a while.

“Remember shade doesn’t have to come created by a physical structure. Wearing a hat, or carrying an umbrella will provide shade locally for those who have the umbrella,” said Brull.

The use of light colors instead of darker colors will keep you cool, in addition, dark hues can heat your body.

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“In the winter months, it’s a good idea to wear dark colors. They help the sun penetrate your skin and keep your body warm. In summer, the opposite is true. You should wear light shades to reflect the sun’s rays and help keep you cool,” Brull explained.

But, be aware that you are trying to protect your skin from damaging UV radiation The Skin Cancer Foundation says that bright or dark colors block UV radiation from passing through clothing and hitting your skin more effectively over lighter colors.

While sunscreen can’t shield your body from heat exhaustion, Brull advised that it’s a good idea to apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn. A sunburn “will cause the process of recuperating from heat more time and take longer.”

4. Keep hydrated

Hydration helps keep the body at an appropriate temperature. When your body sweats, drinking a glass of water will replace the loss of fluid and helps cool you from within. In addition to drinking water, Brull said drinks that contain electrolytes could help dehydration.

In the heat She advised people to stay away from drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine, as they can result in dehydration.

“Alcohol is a problem because it hinders the ability of your body to detect the degree of heat you’re experiencing and speeds up your dehydration process” explained Brull.

Furthermore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDCTrusted Source) suggests the following steps to ensure that you drink plenty of water

  • Always carry a water bottle on you always.
  • You can freeze a safe water bottle for freezing and take it along with you.
  • Incorporate lemon or lime into your water to enhance the flavor.

5. Take care to exercise caution

If you’re involved in activities like hiking or playing sport that is hot Dr. Alexis Colvin, an orthopedic surgeon at Mount Sinai, said to ensure that you drink plenty of fluids before exercising as well as before and after exercising.

“When your activity lasts less than one hour then water is the best drink. After one hour drinking fluids that have both sodium and carbohydrates can replenish electrolytes and glucose,” she told Healthline.

In the event of exercising in the hot she suggested setting an initial level of fitness even in cooler climates.

“Second take a gradual increase in the number of hours and days of activities in the more hot temperatures over the course of several weeks. Take frequent breaks and have cooling techniques available, like Ice towels” Colvin said. Colvin.

Furthermore, limit exposure to sun and avoid sunlight between the hours of 10 a.m. between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you are required to be outdoors during these times, be sure to protect yourself from sun exposure by applying sunscreen and dressing appropriately, including sunglasses, a hat and in a suitable outfit.

“Also ensure that you have regular breaks” Colvin said.

6. Be aware of the warning signs of stroke and heat exhaustion.

Be aware of signs that may indicate the presence of a serious heat-related disease will help you seek medical attention whenever needed. Two of the conditions for which you should be alert to are:

  • Hyperthermiaoccurs during the time that the body sheds lots of salt and water, mostly by sweating excessively.
  • A heat stroke is when the body doesn’t have control of its temperature and isn’t able to cool down by sweating.

The CDCTrusted Source gives the following as the most important indicators to be aware of with regard to each illness.


  • The body temperature of a person who is the temperature of 103°F or more
  • Dry, hot, red or wet skin
  • Strong, fast pulse
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Outgoing

Heat exhaustion

  • Heavy sweating
  • Pale, cold or the appearance of clammy skin
  • A rapid and weak pulse
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Afflicting a tense look

“If you’re experiencing intense symptoms of hot weather, it’s crucial to go inside and call 911 immediately,” said Brull.

Syed Zurnain Abbas
Syed Zurnain Abbas
In the dynamic world of technology and media, certain individuals stand out for their transformative contributions. Among them is Syed Zurnain Abbas, a prominent figure in the digital realm and the Asst-Editor of NetMag Pakistan. With a passion for technology, innovation, and insightful journalism, Zurnain has played a pivotal role in shaping the digital landscape and keeping the masses informed about the latest trends and developments. As a visionary leader, his work at NetMag Pakistan reflects a commitment to excellence and a dedication to keeping audiences ahead of the curve in the fast-paced world of technology and media.


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