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Pakistan Registers Strong Protest Over Attack on Consulate in Frankfurt

Pakistan has summoned Germany’s senior-most diplomat to express a “strong protest” following an attack on its consulate in Frankfurt by a group of extremists, according to ARY News sources.

The incident occurred on Saturday when a group of Afghan nationals threw stones at the Pakistani consulate and tore down its national flag. Despite German authorities permitting a peaceful protest, the demonstration escalated into violence, causing damage to the consulate building and increasing tensions.

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In response, German police detained two Afghan nationals and are currently identifying other protesters through video footage, with more arrests expected. Pakistan has formally lodged a protest, stressing the importance of heightened security measures to protect its diplomatic properties and staff. The senior German diplomat reassured Pakistan that all necessary steps would be taken to ensure the safety of its diplomats and properties.


Pakistan Summons German Ambassador Over Consulate Attack

The Pakistani Foreign Office (FO) has strongly condemned the attack and criticized the German authorities for failing to protect the consulate. The FO’s statement highlighted the security breach and the endangerment of consulate staff.

The FO reminded the German government of its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, to protect consular premises and ensure the security of diplomats. The statement conveyed Pakistan’s strong protest and urged Berlin to take immediate measures to enhance the security of Pakistani diplomatic missions and personnel. Additionally, the FO called for the arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the incident and accountability for the security lapses.

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