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The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has issued a Cyber Security Advisory highlighting the risks associated with misconfigurations in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). The advisory warns of the potential for these misconfigurations to be exploited in cyberattacks.

Security researchers have developed a repository called Misconfiguration Manager, which examines both attack and defense strategies related to improperly configured Microsoft Configuration Manager (MCM). Since its inception in 1994, MCM has been crucial for managing servers and workstations within Active Directory environments. However, its default settings often pose vulnerabilities, enabling attackers to gain administrative control within Windows domains. The advisory emphasizes the complexity of MCM/SCCM setup, which frequently leads to default configurations that can be exploited by malicious actors.

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The Misconfiguration Manager repository showcases various scenarios where misconfigured MCM installations have allowed attackers to escalate privileges to domain controller status by exploiting overprivileged Network Access Accounts (NAAs) and improperly managed Configuration Manager sites.

The repository’s goal is to educate administrators about the complexities of MCM and to streamline the management of potential attack paths. It currently documents 22 techniques for direct attacks on MCM/SCCM or its exploitation during post-exploitation stages. The suggested defense strategies are categorized into prevention, detection, and canary tactics, each designed to effectively address the identified vulnerabilities.

PTA has urged organizations to adopt the provided guidance and strategies for detecting various attack techniques. They recommend implementing deception-based detection strategies that utilize features commonly exploited by attackers. Any incidents should be promptly reported to the PTA through the CERT Portal or via email.

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