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The United States (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) have expressed concerns regarding allegations of electoral manipulation surrounding the General Elections held in Pakistan on February 8.

In an official statement, the US State Department acknowledged the significant turnout for the elections, highlighting the participation of millions of Pakistani voters, including women, religious and ethnic minorities, and youth. They commended the efforts of poll workers, civil society, journalists, and election observers in upholding Pakistan’s democratic process. However, they emphasized the need for timely and transparent election results that reflect the will of the Pakistani people.

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Both countries echoed the concerns raised by international and local election observers regarding restrictions on freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly during the electoral process. They condemned instances of electoral violence, attacks on media workers, and limitations on access to the Internet and telecommunication services. Additionally, they called for thorough investigations into claims of interference or fraud.

The US expressed readiness to collaborate with the next Pakistani government, irrespective of political affiliation, to advance shared interests, including economic cooperation, strengthening democratic institutions, promoting human rights, and enhancing security cooperation.

Similarly, the UK’s Foreign Secretary emphasized the strong bilateral relationship between the UK and Pakistan and commended all those who participated in the elections. However, they raised concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of the electoral process, particularly regarding restrictions on certain political parties, leaders, and symbols, as well as limitations on internet access and delays in reporting results.

The UK urged Pakistani authorities to uphold fundamental human rights, including access to information and the rule of law, emphasizing the importance of a fair and transparent judicial system free from interference.

Both countries stressed the importance of electing a civilian government committed to delivering essential reforms and serving the interests of all Pakistani citizens. They expressed readiness to work with Pakistan’s next government across various shared interests.

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