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Another Major Price Hike Looms for Electricity Consumers.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) has requested a Rs. 7.13 per unit hike in electricity prices through fuel charges adjustment (FCA) for consumers of ex-Wapda Distribution Companies (DISCOs) for January 2023. NEPRA has accepted this request and scheduled a public hearing for February 23. The FCA will be implemented in consumers’ bills for March.

CPPA, representing DISCOs, pointed out that consumers were charged Rs. 7.489 per unit in January, while the energy’s actual cost to DISCOs was Rs. 14.62 per unit. This proposed increase adds to the financial strain on consumers, already grappling with high gas bills, expected to rise further following the recent cabinet approval for gas price hikes.

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It’s noteworthy that NEPRA had previously approved a Rs. 4.56 per unit increase in electricity prices for DISCOs in December. This increase will be reflected in consumers’ February bills. The successive hikes exacerbate the financial burden on consumers already facing inflation and rising utility costs.

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