Despite years of mixed reactions, Samsung is determined to revive Bixby. In early 2025, the company plans to reintroduce its AI assistant during the Galaxy S25 launch event on January 22, presenting it as “a true AI companion.”
The upcoming update promises significant improvements, including more natural interactions that mimic human conversations. Promotional materials hint at enhanced comprehension and responsiveness, suggesting Bixby may evolve into a more intuitive assistant.
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The critical question, however, is whether Bixby can compete with established AI players like Google’s Gemini. Samsung’s claims about Bixby’s capabilities will be put to the test as users and reviewers evaluate its performance in real-world scenarios. While Samsung is optimistic, past efforts have shown that user adoption has lagged behind the company’s ambitions for Bixby.
This news comes as both Apple and Google are also enhancing their virtual assistants with AI technology. Samsung’s push for Bixby as a central feature has faced mixed reception, often overshadowed by competitors like Google Assistant. It remains to be seen whether this new version of Bixby will attract more attention or remain a niche offering mainly explored by tech enthusiasts and reviewers.
For now, we’ll have to wait until January 22 to see if the updated Bixby meets expectations or continues to struggle in gaining widespread adoption.