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An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Khurram Mumtaz, Head of NEO at Mashreq Pakistan

Q1. With over two decades of experience in financial services, how do you see Mashreq NEO disrupting traditional banking in Pakistan, and what unique challenges does the Pakistani market present for digital banking expansion?

Mashreq NEO is poised to revolutionize banking in Pakistan by leveraging our extensive experience in digital innovation and customer-centric solutions. Our digital-first approach, exemplified by platforms like NEO, NEOBiz, and NEOPAY, will bring unparalleled convenience and efficiency to Pakistani customers’ fingertips and will allow us to reduce operational costs, which can then be passed on to customers in the form of better rates and lower fees.

In a market where traditional banking still dominates, Mashreq NEO’s entry represents a paradigm shift. We are not just offering digital services; we are reimagining the entire banking experience. By harnessing technologies such as AI and blockchain, we aim to provide hyper-personalized, secure, and seamless financial interactions that go beyond mere transactions.

However, the Pakistani market presents unique challenges. The regulatory landscape is complex, and we are committed to working closely with authorities to ensure compliance while driving innovation. Cybersecurity is another critical focus area, given the increasing digital threats globally. We are investing heavily in robust security measures to protect our customers’ data and maintain trust in our digital ecosystem.

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Perhaps the most significant challenge – and opportunity – lies in financial inclusion. With Pakistan having a large unbanked population, we have the potential to bring millions into the formal financial system via Mashreq NEO. Our user-friendly platforms, backed by cutting-edge technology and our commitment to the Pakistan market, position us uniquely to address this need.

Digital literacy varies across the country, especially in the banking sector and we recognize the importance of educating customers about digital banking in general, along with creating awareness about how our services would benefit them. We are developing comprehensive programs to enhance digital financial literacy, ensuring that all segments of society can benefit from our innovative solutions. We are also focusing on transparency and delivering consistently exceptional customer service, which have been cornerstones in building our international reputation as one of the most trusted and credible global banking leaders.

Ultimately, our goal is to be ‘more than just a bank’ in Pakistan. We aim to be a catalyst for economic growth, empowering individuals and businesses with cutting-edge financial tools. By combining our global expertise with a deep understanding of local needs, Mashreq NEO is set to redefine banking in Pakistan, driving financial inclusion and technological advancement in equal measure.

Q2. You’ve held various roles spanning distribution, operational risk, and digital banking. How has this diverse experience shaped your approach to leading Mashreq NEO’s digital transformation efforts?

My diverse experience at multinational banks has helped me contribute to Mashreq NEO’s digital transformation strategy. Each role has provided unique insights that I try to apply towards developing Mashreq Pakistan’s holistic approach to innovation and customer-centric banking.

My time in distribution reinforced the importance of truly understanding customer needs. This customer-first mindset is at the core of Mashreq NEO’s philosophy; we are not just creating digital products, we are crafting intuitive experiences that resonate with the diverse needs of our Pakistani customer base. By leveraging advanced analytics, we are able to offer personalized solutions that go beyond traditional banking.

The operational risk experience I gained has proven invaluable in navigating the complex landscape of digital banking in an era where cybersecurity threats are ever-present. Mashreq’s focus on security, combined with our commitment to regulatory compliance, builds trust – a crucial element in Pakistan’s evolving financial sector.

Leading digital transformation initiatives has given me firsthand insight into the power of technology in revolutionizing banking. At Mashreq NEO, we are harnessing cutting-edge technologies like AI, blockchain, and cloud computing to create intuitive, efficient, and seamless banking solutions.

Perhaps most importantly, my experience in strategic transformation has enabled me to contribute to shaping of our long-term vision for Mashreq NEO. We are not just building a digital bank; we are creating a future-ready financial ecosystem that can adapt to rapidly changing market dynamics. This involves fostering a culture of innovation, investing in talent, and creating an agile organizational structure that is capable of quickly and efficiently responding to new opportunities and challenges.

Ultimately, we are positioning Mashreq NEO as a catalyst for financial inclusion and economic growth, leveraging our global expertise to empower individuals and businesses across the country. By blending innovative technology with a deep understanding of local needs, we are set to redefine banking in Pakistan.

Q3. Given your background in data analytics, how are you leveraging data to personalize the Mashreq NEO experience and drive customer engagement?

At Mashreq NEO, we are not just crunching numbers – we are using detailed data analysis to understand our customers’ lives and financial journeys in a much deeper way, and my background in data analytics helps me in reinforcing Mashreq NEO’s focus on delivering deeply personalized experiences.

Let us look at customer interactions as an example. Every time a customer interacts with us, whether it be checking their balance or making a payment, they are telling us something about their needs and preferences. By listening to these stories, we can use the information available to create tailored banking experiences that really resonate.

For example, we might notice that a customer is consistently putting aside money each month, or see patterns that suggest they are planning a big purchase or a trip. Data-driven insights such as predictive analytics allow us to reach out and offer tailored investment solutions, services and advice; such technology allows us to be proactive and helpful, rather than waiting for the customer to come to us, which in turn builds stronger customer relationships.

Data analytics also allows us to continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our products and services, and make improvements where needed to ensure our digital banking solutions remain relevant and effective in meeting customer needs.

Of course, we are extremely careful with data we collect, and its privacy and security are paramount. We have put in place strict measures to protect our customers’ information, and we are always transparent about how we use it.

Primarily, our goal is to make banking feel less like a chore and position Mashreq as an invaluable partner in our customers’ financial lives. We want Mashreq NEO to be a bank that understands its customer and their needs, and is always there with the right support at the right time, embodying our ‘Rise Every Day’ ethos.

Q4. As digital banking grows, concerns about cybersecurity and financial inclusion often arise; how is Mashreq NEO going to address these issues?

At Mashreq NEO, we recognize that the growth of digital banking brings both opportunities and challenges. We are committed to addressing concerns about cybersecurity and financial inclusion as priorities, as these are fundamental to building trust as we navigate Pakistan’s digital transformation era, and expand our reach in the country’s diverse financial landscape.

On the cybersecurity front, we have implemented a multi-layered approach. Our robust security infrastructure, designed to safeguard customer data and ensure the integrity of our transactions, incorporates state-of-the-art measures like multi-factor authentication and end-to-end encryption. But we go beyond traditional safeguards. Leveraging advanced technologies, we deploy AI-driven threat detection systems that continuously analyze patterns to identify and neutralize potential risks in real-time, a proactive stance that is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape.

We also understand that cybersecurity is as much about people as it is about technology and, to this end, we invest heavily in ongoing training for our teams – including simulations – ensuring they are equipped to act as the first line of defense against potential threats.

Collaboration is also key in staying ahead of cyber threats. We have forged partnerships with leading cybersecurity firms and maintain open channels with regulatory bodies. This allows us to tap into a global network of expertise and respond swiftly to emerging challenges.

Turning to financial inclusion, we are taking a holistic approach. Our digital platforms are designed with simplicity and accessibility in mind, with intuitive interfaces and support in multiple languages. This is crucial in a country as linguistically and digitally diverse as Pakistan.

We are also acutely aware that access alone is not enough, and have launched comprehensive financial literacy programs. Through a mix of digital resources, workshops, and targeted campaigns, we are working to empower our customer base in Pakistan with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions.

Perhaps most importantly, we are developing products tailored to underserved segments. For SMEs, we offer specialized digital tools for cash flow management. For rural populations, we are rolling out mobile banking solutions that bring financial services to areas with limited physical banking infrastructure. And for women entrepreneurs, we have created targeted microloan programs to support business growth.

At Mashreq Pakistan, our goal is to be a trusted partner in the financial journeys of all segments of our customer base, regardless of background or location. This approach embodies our commitment to being a catalyst for growth in Pakistan.

Q5. With your extensive background in transformation, what’s your vision for Mashreq NEO in Pakistan over the next 5 years, and how do you plan to achieve it?

Our vision for Mashreq NEO in Pakistan over the next five years is ambitious – to become the country’s leading digital financial ecosystem, driving innovation and financial inclusion. We intend to redefine banking in Pakistan.

At the core of this vision is our commitment to expanding digital reach. We aim to leverage mobile technology and AI-driven platforms to bring sophisticated banking services to underserved areas, effectively bridging the gap between traditional and digital banking. This is not just about providing basic services; it is about offering world-class financial tools to all sectors of Pakistani society, regardless of location or financial background.

Looking at our wider customer base, innovation is the foundation of our strategy. Beyond expanding digital reach, our investment into cutting-edge technologies such as AI and machine learning is enabling us to create hyper-personalized banking experiences, enhance security and streamline operations, bringing an unprecedented level of sophistication to the Pakistani banking industry.

Customer experience is paramount. We are developing intuitive interfaces and 24/7 AI-powered support systems to ensure banking with Mashreq NEO is not just convenient, but rewarding. Our product range will expand to include innovative CASA accounts, seamless remittance services, and personalized wealth management solutions, all designed with the specific needs of Pakistani consumers in mind.

Collaboration is key to our growth strategy. We are actively seeking partnerships with local fintech startups and technology firms. These alliances will not only accelerate our innovation but also help us tap into local expertise and reach a wider audience. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, we aim to be a catalyst for the overall growth of Pakistan’s financial technology sector.

Crucially, our expansion is not just about business growth; it is about driving meaningful financial inclusion. We are committed to developing products that cater to underserved segments, including SMEs and rural populations. By combining accessible digital tools with financial literacy initiatives, we aim to empower millions of Pakistanis to take control of their financial futures.

In essence, our five-year vision for Mashreq NEO in Pakistan is to create a banking experience that is not just digital, but truly transformative. We are bringing global expertise and cutting-edge technology to address local challenges, with the goal of fostering economic growth and financial empowerment across the nation. This is more than a business strategy; it is our commitment to Pakistan’s future.



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