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The Ministry of Information Technology (MoIT) has made notable strides in recovering outstanding dues from Long Distance International (LDI) companies and renewing their licenses. The ministry has forwarded details of pending court cases related to these companies to the Attorney General of Pakistan.

Currently, there are 42 pending court cases against LDI companies. The MoIT has compiled information on these cases and requested the federal government to seek an expedited resolution from the Supreme Court. This action is intended to accelerate the recovery of billions of rupees owed by LDI companies.

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LDI companies owe Rs. 24 billion in universal service fund charges, and telecom companies are required to pay Rs. 54 billion in late payment surcharges. With the licenses of LDI companies expiring in 2024, there is an added urgency to resolve these issues. The MoIT’s efforts are focused on ensuring timely renewal and payment of these dues.

Minister of State for IT, Shaza Fatima, and other ministry officials have met with the Attorney General to discuss the situation. The MoIT has prepared regulations for appointing a referee judge, which will be submitted to the federal cabinet for approval.

Following cabinet approval, the federal government will approach the Supreme Court for a resolution. The Attorney General’s office will prepare proposals in consultation with the Ministry of Law and Justice, which will then be presented to the federal cabinet for approval.

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