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Ministers Disregard PM’s Directive to Embrace Sustainability and Achieve Rs. 1 Billion in Savings.

Several federal ministries have not complied with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s directive to adopt E-Office, despite the potential for annual savings of Rs. 1 billion if they transition from a paper-based environment.

According to sources cited by NetMag, senior officials in several key ministries are hesitant to switch to the e-office system for handling official files. The Prime Minister had instructed 40 federal ministries to make this transition in April 2024, but progress has been slow.

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Sources reveal that 15 out of the 40 ministries have achieved an 80 percent utilization rate of E-Office. These ministries include the Federal Education Division, Information Technology and Telecom, Information and Broadcasting, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Additionally, E-Office utilization in four federal divisions stands at 70 percent.

However, 19 out of the 40 ministries are reportedly reluctant to embrace E-Office for unspecified reasons. This group includes ministries such as Finance, Energy, and Law and Justice.

The E-Office project was initiated by the federal government in 2015. The National Information and Technology Board (NITB) invested Rs. 1.2 billion to purchase necessary equipment and components, which were subsequently installed in federal ministries.