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The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has recently blocked a total of 469 mobile applications following complaints from stakeholder organizations and the general public. This action is part of the PTA’s ongoing efforts to regulate online content and uphold the integrity of Pakistan’s digital landscape, as detailed in a document from the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication.

Among the blocked applications are 435 Android apps and 34 Apple apps. These apps were removed due to content that was deemed to violate the principles of Islam, contain indecent or immoral material, or engage in fraudulent activities. The PTA’s objective with these measures is to shield users from harmful content and ensure that online platforms comply with the country’s legal and ethical standards.

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The PTA’s authority to block or remove online content is derived from Section 37 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016. This section grants the PTA the power to take action against content that threatens national security, public order, or decency. Specifically, Section 37 allows the PTA to intervene in cases where content undermines the Glory of Islam, the integrity or security of Pakistan, or promotes hate speech, defamation, child pornography, and other offenses.

Clause 37 (1) of PECA 2016 authorizes the PTA to address unlawful online content that jeopardizes Pakistan’s security, morality, and public order. This provision has been used to respond to complaints about online platforms, ensuring that digital content adheres to the country’s social and moral standards. Additionally, Section 37 (2) of PECA provides guidelines for the removal of content, supported by the Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Online Content (Procedure, Oversight, and Safeguard) Rules, which were approved by the Federal Government in October 2021. These rules outline the procedures and safeguards that the PTA must follow to ensure transparency and oversight, balancing regulation with freedom of expression.

The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication highlights that the recent blocking of 469 applications is part of a broader strategy to eliminate harmful content, protect public decency, and uphold Pakistan’s moral and ethical values. This initiative reflects the PTA’s commitment to creating a safe and secure digital environment for all users in Pakistan.

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