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PTA Enhances Digital Security by Regulating VPNs and Blocking Harmful Apps

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is intensifying its efforts to regulate Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in the country. To date, the PTA has overseen the registration of 20,437 VPNs, reflecting a substantial commitment to managing VPN use in Pakistan.

As part of this regulatory initiative, 1,286 VPN companies have successfully registered a total of 19,840 VPNs. This includes 136 freelancers who have registered 180 VPNs, highlighting the role of individuals who rely on VPNs for secure communication. Additionally, the Software Houses Association of Pakistan (P@SHA), representing major software companies, has registered 417 VPNs. In total, 1,422 companies have complied with the PTA’s registration guidelines.

READ MORE: PTA Blocks 469 Mobile Apps to Protect National Interests and Uphold Morality

This regulatory push is closely linked to the enforcement of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA). Government sources have noted that comprehensive enforcement of PECA will be achievable once illegal VPN usage is significantly reduced. The PTA has been managing VPN registration and whitelisting since 2010, aiming to ensure VPNs are used appropriately for secure business communications while preventing misuse.

In addition to regulating VPNs, the PTA is actively monitoring and blocking mobile applications that breach national regulations. To date, 469 apps have been blocked, including 435 Android apps and 34 Apple apps. These apps were removed due to content deemed anti-Islamic, promoting immorality, or engaging in fraudulent activities.

Furthermore, the PTA is committed to ensuring the security and sustainability of Pakistan’s telecom infrastructure through regular cybersecurity audits. Conducted annually by third-party auditors, these audits align with the Cybersecurity Regulations established in 2002. The audits focus on technical aspects of the telecom infrastructure rather than individual employees of licensed telecom companies.

Through these measures, including VPN regulation, app blocking, and regular cybersecurity audits, the PTA aims to enhance Pakistan’s digital infrastructure, protect consumers from cyber threats, and maintain a secure and compliant digital environment.

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