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Revised Fee Schedule for CNIC Smart Cards Effective February 2024

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) issues the Smart National Identity Card (SNIC) to Pakistani citizens. This ID card combines advanced technology with clear business regulations to ensure its authenticity and validity. The national identity card is essential for various purposes such as obtaining a driver’s license, National Tax Number (NTN), bank account, passport, mobile phone connection, and more.

Every Pakistani citizen aged 18 and above is eligible to apply for the ID card.

Applying for a New Smart ID Card To apply for a New Smart NIC, you can either visit a NADRA Registration Center (NRC) or use the Pak Identity website.

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You can apply for your Smart National Identity Card (SNIC) through the Pak Identity website and have it delivered to your doorstep. However, applying for a fresh/new CNIC cannot be done through the website.

Update on NIC Smart Card Fees As of February 2024, there have been no changes in the regular fees for obtaining a New Smart National Identity Card. The fee for the normal category remains Rs750, while the urgent fee is Rs1,500. The executive category fee remains at Rs2,500, as set by NADRA.

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