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The World Bank has assessed the progress of the ‘Digital Economy Enhancement Project (DEEP)’ positively, rating its implementation as satisfactory. Valued at $78 million, the project aims to bolster digitally enabled public service delivery for both citizens and businesses.

In its inaugural Implementation Status & Results Report (ISR) since approval by the World Bank Board, DEEP, which became effective on May 2, 2024, received commendation for its advancement towards achieving its development objectives. During the first supervision mission from May 20th to 30th, the World Bank collaborated with Project Implementing Entities (PIEs) to outline critical and time-sensitive activities outlined in the Financing Agreement.

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The PIEs were tasked with crucial actions detailed in the Technical Annex of the Management Letter, focusing on two primary themes: (i) readiness for implementation, including immediate next steps, and (ii) compliance with the terms of the Financing Agreement, specifying key tasks to be prioritized. Emphasizing the urgency, the Bank underscored the importance of prioritizing these tasks at this stage.

Moreover, discussions during the mission also explored opportunities for collaboration between the Ministry of IT and Telecom, responsible for financing the feasibility of the National Fiberization Plan through DEEP, and stakeholders from both public and private sectors to support the plan’s preparation in Pakistan.

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