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Pakistan Telecom Sector: Challenges and Calls for Collaboration

A public-private dialogue on IT and Telecom highlighted several key issues and proposed solutions for the sector’s development.

Key Points:

  • Market Decline: Despite competition, the number of internet service providers has shrunk, leading to concerns about service quality.
  • Unhealthy Competition: Aggressive competition is blamed for declining network quality and hindering investment due to high costs.
  • Regulatory Burden: Stringent regulations and a volatile currency are seen as barriers to entry for new players.
  • Focus on Revenue vs. Investment: High taxes and levies might be stifling investment in infrastructure and service improvement.
  • Need for Collaboration: Experts proposed collaboration among stakeholders (government, regulators, and operators) to address these challenges.

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Proposed Solutions:

  • Strategic Collaborations: Sharing infrastructure and forging strategic partnerships could reduce costs and improve service delivery.
  • Rationalized Spectrum Management: Delinking spectrum from service licensing and rationalizing pricing could incentivize investment.
  • Unified Licensing: Shifting to a unified licensing system could simplify market entry and operations.
  • Reduced Tax Burden: Lowering taxes on consumers and operators could improve affordability and investment.
  • Sector Reforms: Reviewing market structures, developing exit regulations for inefficient operators, and encouraging new entrants were suggested.
  • Strengthened Telecom Association: A unified voice for the industry could represent its concerns more effectively.
  • Focus on Quality: Rebalancing competition with a focus on service quality and infrastructure development is crucial.

The Takeaway:

A collaborative approach with strategic reforms is needed to address the challenges and unlock the full potential of Pakistan’s telecom sector. This will benefit both consumers and businesses by fostering a healthy, competitive environment with high-quality services.