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Focus on Renewable & Environment-Friendly Energy Solutions Ameliorates Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with abundant renewable potential, especially solar. The world over, large organizations have taken the lead in adopting sustainable energy with an eye on the environment and the future. These companies are focused on long-term partnerships; top-notch equipment; sound operations and maintenance; and strict adherence to Health, Safety, and Environment standards to make renewable energy reliable and cost-effective phenomena for the corporate and industrial users alike. Pakistan is also not far behind.

A 125 kW solar energy project at Wah Nobel Limited is a noteworthy example of an industrial renewable energy initiative. Another 200 kWp Solar Installation has recently been inaugurated at Wah Medical College nearby – a testament to the vision of the POF management and another futuristic initiative. Building on the success of these projects, POF has embarked on a groundbreaking 1 MWp project at Wah Chemicals Limited. These state-of-the-art solar power projects are grid-tied systems and can be monitored remotely from anyplace in the world giving instant updates on power production and energy usage. The projects are aimed at minimizing reliance on grid-power and conventional sources of electricity, to fulfill the energy needs of the organization. These projects were designed and deployed by Reon Energy Limited.

Inam ur Rahman, CEO, REON Energy Solutions said, “These initiatives are a positive start towards acquiring energy self-sufficiency. The growth in this sector is driven by collaborative initiatives. We at Reon focus on cost-effective solutions and long-term partnerships to transform the energy narrative in Pakistan. Such projects with their increasing viability are soon expected to make them the most attractive solution in a year’s time.”

Pakistan has abundant sun energy that makes it suitable to utilize solar power technologies. Along with supporting framework from government and private renewable energy entities, it is imperative that corporations and industries set time-bound limits for creating self-sustaining ventures.

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