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InfoTech set to provide English Biscuit Manufacturers with latest Cloud Services

InfoTech Pvt. Ltd, Pakistan’s leading systems integrator, and Technology solutions provider is proud to sign the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for a three-year term with English Biscuit Manufacturers (EBM). EBM, the pioneer and a market leader of packaged biscuit manufacturing in Pakistan signed this enterprise agreement which is a manageable volume-licensing program that offers the best value to EBM by providing the flexibility to grow on software licenses all under a single agreement and also visualizes the roadmap to latest cloud services and offerings from Microsoft.

Mr. Naseer A Akhtar, CEO & President of InfoTech commented on this project, “Pakistan is transforming digitally and InfoTech prides itself on being the part of this transformation. We are the leading system integrators in Pakistan who help companies take on diverse projects and help them to increase their level of productivity and sales. We are very excited to be working with English Biscuit Manufacturers”.

A service level agreement (SLA) was also signed between InfoTech and EBM for the support of Microsoft Core Infrastructure products that will help EBM to maximize their investments and bring efficiency in their IT services. Keeping the “customer first” promise, InfoTech resident engineers are present on-premises to provide the best support of Microsoft Core Infrastructure products to EBM.

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