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One of the most worrying aspects of applying for admissions to academic institutions is the process of understanding requirements and then going through the entire process, constantly worrying that you don’t get any of the steps wrong. After all, you don’t want your entire future jeopardized by a simple typo or by not attaching a single document. These applications can be even more of a hassle if your institution of choice is in another city.

That is the niche that a local startup by the name of Dastawezat has identified as their core offering. Dastawezat, established by a group of three friends, namely Wajahat Imam, Mujeeb ur Rehman and Waseem Sajjad in Rawalpindi, promises to take care of the application process for academic institutions. The vision of the team is to help college students and recent graduates who have aspirations for higher studies but are short on information and time to resolve their admission processes.

The way they work is pretty simple, all you need to do is register with the website and then send the related documents over WhatsApp or through the post, with details of the institutions you are interested in applying for. The team charges a fee of PKR 500 to prepare and submit each application. The team is dedicated to the extent that they even keep track of all universities and send updates to students providing advice on where else they should apply as a backup as well.

Dastawezat has also worked hard to establish a brand following to ensure people are not concerned about the confidentiality of their documents. The team has struck partnerships with academic institutions, who have provided the company with official documents vouching for the credibility of the startup.

The team is quickly expanding its portfolio of services and has also added academic experts and teachers as consultants to help students prepare for entry tests. In addition to counseling sessions, the team has also launched resources such as MCQs and other tips for acing the admission process. The quick thinking team of Dastawezat is also in the process of offering value-added services such as the attestation of degrees HEC and Equivalence Certificates that are a necessary part of the admissions cycle.

You can check out Dast awe Zat’s offerings and the list of their partner universities on their Facebook page, which is at

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