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Coke Studio Season 9 has joined hands with Deaf Reach Schools and Training Center, and is willing to create history. They will be using advanced technologies to create such an environment for the deaf people, so that they can feel the music around themselves.

The project is named as “Coke Studio for the Deaf”. Coca-cola has recreated cokestudio for about 9 million people in Pakistan who suffer from either a partial or a full hearing loss. A well-managed set up has been organized and engineered to give a brilliant music experience to the deaf. The lights and the vibrations that will be governed by the coach will give a physical and great sighted experience to the one seated. The candidate would be able to feel the audio-synced mood changes. That is a the rhythmic experience for the people who have never felt it before.

Richard Geary, the Director of the Deaf Reach Program in Pakistan,deemed it as an important milestone saying,“Our collaboration with Coke Studio reflects our approach towards opening new experiences for the Deaf Community and creating enabling opportunities for their inclusion and success.”

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