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In a new report on SMS Firewall Providers, Symsoft was given the highest rating from mobile network operators (MNOs) globally, ahead of 15 competing providers. This is the first report on SMS Firewall Vendors conducted by The Roaming Consulting Company (ROCCO).

The global survey measured perceptions of SMS Firewalls following feedback from 170 MNOs in 163 countries. Investigating 44 key metrics related to performance and leadership, the report showed that threat protection capabilities are the most important criteria for MNOs when choosing a vendor and Symsoft scored highest in being able to protect both inbound and outbound A2P SMS. Symsoft also showed a clear lead in areas including technical expertise, understanding of the SMS market and the flexibility of business models offered. The report underlined that a unique combination of solid knowledge of the global A2P (Application to Person) SMS market, coupled with value for money, simplicity and a customer focus made Symsoft the overall leading provider.

‘For us at Symsoft, this report is an independent confirmation that we have been successful in our efforts to create the best overall SMS Firewall offer in the market,’ says Johan Rosendahl, Managing Director at Symsoft. ‘Our solid technical platform and intimate understanding of the global SMS market give operators the capabilities needed to protect their networks. This is among other things important to increase the confidence of global enterprises using SMS for two-factor authentication. Seeing the confidence that MNOs have in our team inspires us to work even harder to help them succeed.’

Symsoft offers their MNO and MVNO (Virtual Mobile Operators) clients the SMS Firewall product together with an SMS Firewall Update Service to ensure that networks stay protected. The Symsoft SMS Firewall can be offered both as a stand-alone solution, as a managed service or as a cloud deployment so that MNOs can choose a solution that fits with their needs and capabilities.

Jason Bryan, CEO at ROCCO added ‘SMS Firewalls are of critical importance to MNOs in monetizing SMS revenues and only vendors who are really specialist in this field have the competence to stay ahead of the requirements and provide optimal solutions’. Jason continued ‘MNOs chose Symsoft as the clear market leader with several MNOs making strong endorsements in their favour. It is great news for Symsoft and we are always happy to see MNOs so enthusiastic about vendor performance.’

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