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More recently, it can be seen that older Playstation 3 games have actually made their way on the Playstation 5 store. This has thus raised a number of rumors that Sony is actually looking towards the possibility of planning on to roll out backwards compatibility for the sake of older games on the current generation consoles.

Indeed in accordance with what the recent reports are suggestive of, certain Ps3 games have in fact been spotted on the Ps5’ store. Usually, searching up the Playstation 3 games on the Playstation 5 store would direct users to their listing towards that of Playstation Nkw. However, it can be seen by looking up Dead Or Alive 5 that it brings about a price listing. In a much similar fashion also, users have also reported spotting similar listings and have voiced their opinions on the internet.

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Amongst the aforementioned games as well as the other games that can be seen with the same price listings, unfortunately enough, users are not exactly able to purchase these Ps3 titles from the Ps5 store at the current moment in time. In other words then, there is still a possibility that all of this is just part of an unexplained error.

Interestingly enough, it’s also pretty interesting the fact that the listings make their way after a Sony patent had recently surfaced which happens to be titled as “backward compatibility through the use of spoof clock and fine grain frequency control.” This basically refers to the fact that the Japanese tech giant is working on a solution to allow users to play the older games on the very latest Ps5 console. Keep in mind the fact that this is all just a part of unconfirmed reports and so take it all with a pinch of salt for now, before more news arrives.