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PTA’s Web Monitoring System Raises Additional Concerns About Internet Disruptions.

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has officially declared its intention to upgrade its Web Monitoring System (WMS), a move that is expected to result in increased internet disruptions leading up to the upcoming general elections. The WMS, equipped with Deep Packet Inspection technology, serves as a surveillance infrastructure for monitoring internet traffic. This technology enables the PTA to exert control at the gateway level, including the ability to implement censorship measures. The system was acquired from the Canadian firm Sandvine in 2019 at a cost of approximately $18 million.

Geo Fact Check sought clarification from the PTA regarding the timing of the ongoing upgrade, which coincides suspiciously with the approaching national elections. The anticipated disruptions may impede Pakistani voters’ access to crucial election-related information. The PTA spokesperson responded, stating that the WMS deployment had been underway since December 2023, citing compliance with court orders related to objectionable internet content, including blasphemous material under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016.

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On January 22, Ahmed Shamim Pirzada, the Director General of the government-owned PTA, addressed the media regarding recent nationwide internet slowdowns. Pirzada attributed these disruptions to “technical glitches” resulting from the ongoing software update conducted by the PTA. However, Usama Khilji, a prominent digital rights activist, expressed concerns about the PTA’s response, deeming it “inconsistent” and marked by contradictions. Khilji questioned the PTA’s explanation, pointing out discrepancies in blaming telecom operators for disruptions while asserting the authority’s direct control over internet content through the WMS.

Khilji also raised the issue of internet disruptions occurring specifically during online events organized by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Additionally, he highlighted that the PTA had ample opportunities to carry out the WMS upgrade during the coalition government’s tenure from April 2022 to August 2023 or during the transitional phase when the caretaker government assumed control in August.

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