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Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, (PTCL) organized a free Medical Camp at Rawat Village near Murree. As part of the Company’s ongoing community outreach program, the camp is providing expert consultations and medicines to rural communities in hard to reach areas.

Since 16th of April, hundreds of patients suffering from different ailments have been examined at the medical camp by male and female medical experts led by Dr. Erum Rubab, Senior Medical Officer PTCL. The general trend of ailments that were observed includes scabies, conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal and cardiac diseases.

Free medicines were also provided to a large number of patients who were unable to procure expensive medicines from the market for themselves.

People of the area expressed their sincere gratitude towards PTCL for its valuable efforts of reaching out to rural communities and setting up a much needed medical camp in their area.

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