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Taylor Wimberly, the product manager for the Honor 8 has claimed that the people that have subscribed the product will be facilitated with a software update for two full years, that will be given to them for free. He says:

“From this year we are making a commitment to provide customers with access to new features (at least once every three months during the first 12 months) for up to 24 months following each product launch. We will keep providing access to security and software updates to fix bugs and enhance user experience in a timely manner”

However for the era of phones that we live in the this deal of pleasure is a good site to be contracted with.but this piece of technology does not indicate that the service would be much faster as compared to the working of the other android services out there. It just agrees to provide new features that will provide the user with advanced experience.

However the wording of the original published article is not much understood by the users. The new deal has agreed to give away this facility for 12 months“ for up to” 24 months, which can also be said as that there will be 24 months of this facility.

Huawei subsidiary’s held up an event in San Francisco during the last week.

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