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The biggest and craziest online shopping extravaganza has finally struck Pakistan and we just can’t get over how amazing the whole concept is!

In the extremely hectic lifestyles of today, shopping has become more of a chore than an extravagance. After a long day at work you have to fight the traffic, sift through the innumerable number of stores and find that perfect dress; only to be told that it’s not available in your size – Frustrating much?

Online shopping liberates you from the whole hassle and paves the way forward. The global tech giant Google, understood this way before anyone else. The GOSF festival has successfully been taking place all around the world and the response in Pakistan has been just as welcoming.

Women in particular seem to be overwhelmed by the variety of options that are readily available – Imagine, you can now avail ridiculously cheap discounts while sitting at home. It’s like a dream come true! The overall success of this event is also attributed to the fact that  it’s taking place on a massive scale – As many as 40 leading brands of the county are taking part and offering discounts of upto 80%.

You’ll no longer find videos of ladies fighting over lawn suites in your newsfeed. Now, it’s the race of the cursors! With the festival lasting for only only 72 hours it’s almost nerve wracking to limit one’s shopping list!

Which brands are competing you ask?

The right question would be which brand isn’t? There are alkaram studios, sapphire, Careem, Gul Ahmed Foodpanda, Jambo, Unilever, P&G, and numerous others.  Here you’re not restricted to shop in just one set category and can get discounted groceries, the perfect shoes and you airplane tickets on a single platform -It’s like Christmas in September!



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