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FRANKFURT (Reuters) – China is aiming for a top-10 ranking in automation for its industries

by 2020 by putting more robots in its factories, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR)


China nowadays is working to modify its robotics to eventually lead to an aim of minimizing

labor shortages and fast-rising wages.

But china, instead of being so sufficient in people population still has lower skill in robotics; just

36 per 10,000 manufacturing workers in 2015, ranking it 28th among the world’s most

automated nations.

But the Chinese producers still aim for their product to be highly equipped and technical. They are still aiming for foreign robot companies like, ABB, Kuka and Yaskawa,but the

domestic robot manufacturer give a profit of 31 percent from 25 percent in 2013, the IFR has


To reach a successful score china aims to sales of 100,000 domestically manufactured robots for

a percentage of 49% as compared to the last year sales!

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