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A few times earlier it was noted that an unofficial Xiaomi Store ( was operating in Pakistan through a website — that looks almost like a replica of

When it was confirmed with the e-store we recognized that it was being ruled unofficially by some private user. But the site still had some links with the official site of the smartphone.

The website says:

“We have stopped smartphone sales in Pakistan until further notice.The Pakistani Concerned authority (PTA) through MrNaumanKhalid“[email protected]” has demanded that has to stop the sale/marketing of all Mi mobile devices.This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand the monopoly of some brands in market.”

Website goes on to mention,”We have great respect for the authorities at the PTA, and we believe their intentions are good. But it is quite surprising that Pakistani customer’s right has been denied without any reason.If they have any legitimate concern we are ready to address it but so far we haven’t got any rational reason.”

XiaomiPK, without the involvement of NOC, started to sale phones apart in Pakistan on July 11th 2016!

Although the remarks of PTA has not yet been reported on this case, but the conclusion for the case if simple as forward that any company who is willing to sale the smartphones across Pakistan should strictly register first and then apply for NOC and Type Approvals before selling the smartphones.

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