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COMSATS has unveiled the Urdu version of the popular book that is “One Hundred Reasons to be a Scientist” with apurpose to incline the students towards science.

It was published by Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Italy, in 2004. It is a true living inspiration for the living world out their especially the youth. It is bases on the life of 91 scientists.

The ceremony took place on 18th of August and many of the prominent personalities from science, technology, and literature took part in it. the Executive Director COMSATS Dr Imtinan Elahi Qureshi spoke about the difficulties that were faced to translate this thing in to the urdu language. Director NLPD Dr Anjum Hameed also gave a message from the Adviser to the Prime Minister on National History and Literary Heritage to the audience.

Dr Imtinan Elahi Qureshi,has been an editor-in-chief. The book has been translate by  MrZuhairJaved.

Prof Fateh Muhammad Malik, the chief guest of the ceremony, said,

“Urdu translation of scientific literature, such as this book, is a commendable effort for scientific renaissance in our society.”

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