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PTCL has introduced greater opportunities for communication for its employees through ‘Facebook at Work’, which is the business version of Facebook. The platform will allow PTCL to become an even more productive workplace where there is greater in-house collaboration and more internal connectivity, encouraging  more open communication and knowledge transfer.


Dr. Daniel Ritz, President & CEO PTCL launched this initiative by sending an invitation to all PTCL employees to join this corporate social media platform.


Speaking at the occasion, Syed Mazhar Hussain, Chief Human Resource Officer PTCL said: “The introduction of ‘Facebook at Work’ at PTCL will improve openness, collaboration, engagement and trust among employees and make way for seamless interactions in the work structure.


This collaboration platform is a very strong tool for PTCL employees to connect in a convenient manner and will prove to be a big step in the cultural transformation in the company.” He further explained that although the platform is similar to the regular Facebook network but it is different in nature and offers a user-friendly interface. After this launch, PTCL has now joined an elite group of 500 companies in the world who are using Facebook at Work, and the largest in Pakistan in terms of number of users.


Mr. Adnan Shahid, Chief Commercial Officer PTCL, said, “PTCL is rapidly moving ahead in its digital strategy and ‘Facebook at Work’ is one more innovative digital initiative. We will continue striving for innovations as part of our vision for digital and connected Pakistan.

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