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Pakistan Telecommunication (PTCL) is reviving the sense of patriotism among the nation by paying tribute to the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah through a well-driven TVC which was aired around 25th of December. It is a two minute video which dispalys Quiad’s dream of stronger and prospered Pakistan.

The commercial sheds light on the sacrifices this nation had embraced at the time of partition to make their dream, Pakistan, come true. They faced the hardships bravely and put their best to strengthen this country. Today we need the same fervour and passion.

By paying tribute to the Quaid’s vision, the video signifies how Pakistan’s future progress is intrinsically linked to its past. It highlights the fact that success smiles on those who show persistence in tough times and never compromise on their passion. Just like PTCL who is the leading telecom service provider and has been serving the nation since 1947. It has overcome all the challenges successfully by providing cutting edge ICT solutions to its wide customer-base.

It also emphasises upon educating the children and empowering the women who can play an important role in national development. Our children who are the future leaders of the country must take inspiration from the great leader, Quaid-e-Azam, who stood firm in all thick and thin.

The self-belief and potential of the Pakistani people has always surpassed all challenges and seized opportunities of national development. This nation has done wonders in the past and can do it again if it is given true leadership as of Quaid-e-Azam.

In the time when flare of patriotism is losing its glow, it is appreciable that PTCL is spreading national spirit through its marketing campaigns. PTCL is playing its part in nation building quite successfully by providing digital connectivity. It stands shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani nation and remains steadfast in its commitment towards a better future.

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