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Today’s coch-hoo hints a new vibe of e-commerce through the country of India! Recently the Rocket Internet-backed Jabong’s salecomes to initiate Amazon prime throughout the country of India.

The assistance of amazon prime counts for a total of 499 INR (around $7.50) in one year which is only the introductory price, which will later raise up to a cost of 999 INR ($14.80)! but however the customers of cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad are still offered some discounted days of delivery .

However for now the prime video service is cut short form the list of services offered, but will soon be available for the customers to use.

Factor Daily reported earlier this month that:

Amazon is sinking as much as $300 million into securing and developing original content in India for Prime customers ahead of a launch later this year.”

Amazons sites also visualize that prime video service will be offered soon but there is no specified time span for how long will it take to be available.

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