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A few weeks back, an unidentified Chinese company sued Apple for copying the design of iPhone 6s from them. The case still remains in the limelight when the corporation is once again sued, this time by an engineer from Florida, who said that he had developed the iPhone back in 1992. He sued the company for $10 billion dollars by giving drawings of a handheld machine which he drew in 1992.

According to the guy whose name was Thomas S. Ross, he was not able to get a patent due to insufficient funds to earn a patent. He further adds that Apple got grip of his design due to high profile “dumpster diving.”

The drawings showed by him show an Electronic Reading Device (ERD) using the mixture of media and different communication tools. According to Mr. Ross, Apple has hijacked his ideas not only for iPhones but for iPods and iPads too. He further sighs that the dumpster diving has created him an irreversible loss which can never be remunerated by any amount of money. Apart from the demand of $10 billion, Ross also asks for annual 1.5 percent commission on the sale of Apple’s products.

According to expert’s view, the drawings presented by Ross are very unclear. These are the designs followed by any smartphone. Furthermore, it is no more than a muddle on paper signifying features like a keyboard, MS-DOS, a solar cell, and a floppy drive. Currently, thousands of mobile corporations even the Chinese ones are making portable devices. Apple is not the only one going with the pattern.

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