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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a tech, science or engineering university where the students desire to get their dreams a light. Although it is not accessible for many people to get a change to facilitate their mind with the knowledge of this institute due to high financial expenses.

MIT has been offering online programs from a past time. And now it is also give a chance to students to get themselves their online degree from this institute.

MIT Starts Supply Chain Management Degree Program

On Wednesday, MIT, announced away its pilot project. It gives a chance to the students to pay about $1500 for the exams, and once they do it they will be facilitated withMicroMaster’s credential.

MicroMaster’scredential, is the supply chain management program.

The second semester students are required to pay up $33,000

Anyone who wants to be here now has a shot to be here. They have a chance to prove in advance that they can do the work. – L. Rafael Reif, MIT President

Are Online Degree Programs the Future?

Yossi Sheffi, director of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, claims that about 40 students are graduating each year.

Even MIT’s President says that:

That admission system works well for people who went to schools we know very well, but for people from outside that familiar circle, it can be hard to break in. Right now the main focus is quality, and hopefully the finances will work out later but this is not something in which we expect to make money. We want to break even.

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