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Continuous assaults by Balochistan armed groups serve as a distressing reminder of the escalating trend of militant violence in southwestern Pakistan. The country’s forces persist in their efforts to combat militants believed to be funded by foreign sources.

The recent incidents unfolded in the Mach area of Balochistan, where the Balochistan Liberation Army ambushed Machh’s jail and state buildings. Extremists, primarily based in Afghanistan and Iran, launched multiple rockets at these structures, triggering several explosions that also inflicted damage on nearby residential areas.

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In the aftermath of the terrorist attack, gunfire erupted, leading to a swift response from Pakistani forces. An urgent appeal for police personnel was issued across the sparsely populated region. The government declared a state of emergency in Machh’s hospitals, anticipating potential casualties.

Machh experienced a complete blackout, and the vital highway linking Quetta with Balochistan cities was shut down. Following hours of intense confrontation, security forces successfully repelled the armed group’s attack, with no reported casualties. The well-coordinated defense by forces in Machh compelled the attackers to retreat.

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