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Social Enterprises Together with Ufone Work To Spread Generosity

The world of today is full of inhumanity! The minute you step out of your home you go through a lot of harsh and rude behaviors all day long. We feel hopeless in this situation because the world hasn’t left us with any solution.

Social Enterprises Together with Ufone Work To Spread Generosity

In this time the Ufone enterprise and many more social enterprises have lead a step forward to spread up kindness among the needy and the helpless people around us who are taken for granted for most of the time!

Ufone conjoined with other enterprises and paid millions of rupees for airtime, advertising space, newspaper ads and more in ensuring that deserving social initiatives got the publicity.

Let’s have a look at the stories!


Parveen saeed, from surjani town, the woman from a very poor family background, almost well-known among most of the Pakistani trials! In 2002, she was quite surprised to hear the news of a mother who killed her children because she could not watch them starve to death!

This incident made her ponder that food storage and the amount of food that is being wasted in various parts of the country is one main issue due to with many people starve to death each an every year!

Then she came up with the initiative to start up khanaghar!

The aim of khanaghar is the simplest possible that is to provide food to anyone who needs it with only 3 rupees per day!

Now isn’t that goodwill to its best folks!

For those wanting to contribute, khanaghar bank details are as follows:

  • Allied bank
  • Account name: khanaghar
  • Account number: 01-200-4891-8
  • Branch code: 0160
  • Swift code: abpapkka
  • Iban: pk57abpa0001600120048918
  • You can also reach parveen saeed at +923009212136


This is a project initiated by two of the medical students from Peshawar who came up with the idea that already exists, but to dominate it in a different way!

They decided to create “ the wall of kindness”. Omar nasim and daniyal decided to set up hangers on the wall opposite Hayat Abad colony in Peshawar.

Anyone willing to donate anything to the poor is welcomed to hang it up to the wall so that the needy can easily come and get it!

Operation eid child

The happiest feeling in the heart is to see a child with the happiest smile on his face!

Sharmine and a bunch of other volunteers from other cities, send out gift boxes for kids from poor backgrounds. Isn’t that goodwill to spread smiles on the face of Pakistani children!

If you want to spread happiness and smiles too you can also send up your gift box by consulting their handy guide!

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