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Tameer Microfinance Bank bagged the ‘Best Microfinance Bank’ and the ‘Bank the Unbanked’ awards at the country’s first ever Pakistan Banking Awards 2016, held at the Mohatta Palace, Karachi. These awards were given to banks that performed well and contributed significantly towards social impact and financial inclusion in Pakistan.

The first award category, ‘Bank the Unbanked’ recognizes Tameer Bank for the work it has done on financial inclusion in Pakistan. As the first microfinance bank and the financial powerhouse behind Easypaisa, Tameer Bank has brought financial services to millions of Pakistanis, with over 75,000 touch points and more than 21 million active customers. This award is particularly significant as it reflects Tameer’s penetration in rural and low-income urban segments of the society, particularly women. Tameer Bank, through its microfinance leadership and branchless banking services, is committed to accelerating socio-economic development.

Tamer Bank grabbed its second award ‘Best Microfinance Bank’ for its exceptional performance in expanding outreach through penetration, efficiency and innovations along with both strong bottom line and social impact.

Tamer Bank provides microfinance and related financial services to the less privileged, unbanked segment of the society with an aim to contribute towards poverty eradication, and boasts the largest microfinance portfolio in Pakistan.

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