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Team TECH Pakistan participated in the Entrepreneurial Marketing Seminar and Awards Distribution Ceremony at NED University with the objective to aware audience about TECH’s objectives and to transform growing minds towards the need of commercialization of their final year project’s ideas.

This informative seminar was conducted by SENTEC – The Society for Promotion of Science, Engineering & Technology and was held at the main university’s auditorium to mark the special event.

Mr. Kanwal Masroor – Chairman of TECH Pakistan, Mr. Zeeshan Rehman – Vice President of TECH, Syed Amir Haleem, Jawad Khan and Shehzad Rah represented TECH by addressing the audience with informative speeches.

While speaking for TECH, Mr. Kanwal Masroor shared ideas as how the FYPs could be commercialized. He emphasized that it all comes by an idea generation which could be implemented to benefit the society.

Alongside; Mr. Amir Haleem assessed the marketing ideas put forward by students related to their engineering projects, Mr. Jawad Khan discussed about developing a sense for the need of entrepreneurship in engineering and Mr. Shehzad Rah spoke on changing young minds for the need of commercialization of final year projects.

Awards ceremony marked the end of the seminar, as the organizers rewarded the team on their impressive efforts to instill innovative thinking for technological enhancements in their ideas.

With successful events like these, TECH Pakistan is sure to reach skies for its effort to bridge the gap between emerging minds and the technological sector of Pakistan.

#SENTEC #Seminar #TECH #Entrepreneur #FRP #Engineering #Technology #Awards

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