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Here’s the good news for the verified account seekers. Twitter has finally made the account processes easier to build high privacy control levels.

Tina Bhatnagar said:

“We want to make it even easier for people to find creators and influences on Twitter so it makes sense for us to let people apply for verification. We hope opening up this application process results in more people finding great, high-quality accounts to follow, and for these creators and influences to connect with a broader audience”

‘blue tick’ – an icon that represents the authenticity of the user, that is the verification button! Since 2009 there have been fake pages of celebrities, politicians, journalists etc all over the net to secure and safe your self from the fake accounts here is the blue tick option that confirms the real verification of the person.

This feature is generally for the users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, and other key interest areas.

Blue tick also helps in attaining more followers.

The social network site show around 190,000 verified accounts which is 0.06 percent of the company’s 310 million monthly users.

To learn more about it you can visit:

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