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With Legal Resolution, OnePlus and Oppo Set to Make a Comeback in Europe.

After several years of legal conflict, Nokia and Oppo have officially resolved their dispute with a new multi-year cross-license agreement, particularly focusing on essential 5G standard patents. This resolution prompted Oppo and its sister company OnePlus to withdraw from the European market and other regions. Under the terms of the agreement, Oppo will commit to making royalty payments to Nokia, including catch-up payments to address previous periods of non-payment. The specific details and conditions of the deal remain confidential, as agreed upon by both parties.

Oppo released an official statement expressing their satisfaction with the global cross-licensing agreement with Nokia, which covers 5G standard-essential patents and other crucial communication technologies. The agreement also brings an end to all pending litigations across various jurisdictions. Oppo acknowledged and respected Nokia’s intellectual properties and its significant contributions to the global communication industry. They look forward to collaborating with Nokia to provide users worldwide with the best communication experience.

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The legal dispute between the two companies, revolving around patent infringement, began in 2021 and affected multiple markets, including Europe, Asia, and Australia. This conflict led to the suspension of OnePlus and Oppo’s smartwatch sales in Germany. While the timeline and ease of Oppo and OnePlus’s return to the previously contested markets remain uncertain, the resolution of the lawsuit signals a clear path for Chinese phone makers to resume their business activities.

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