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Youtube,the biggest video repository is ready to put live streaming in the palm of your
hand. Live streaming will be baked right in theYouTube mobile app. This feature is
being rolled out on the occasion of VidCon for some users and will be soon available for
the rest. . You will directly hit the big red capture button in the corner, take or select
a photo to use as a thumbnail, and will be able to broadcast live to your fans and
chat in near real time.Although Youtube has had live living streaming for a while
now, but moving this platform to mobile is a huge advancement.The videos which
will be posted by users can either be shared publicly with a shared link,which will
be searchable, or users can set videos to ‘private’,being accessible to only those
with the link.The company is saying that these live streams are going to be
faster,simpler and more reliable than its other counterparts.Quite a big
promise,but we can only say what the real deal is when it comes out!

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